Installation of SpeedBox2 for YAMAHA

Installation of SpeedBox2 for YAMAHA:

1. Remove the battery from the electric bike.

2. Loosen the 6 bolts holding the motor's plastic cover.

3. Slightly loosen the screw holding the motor at the lowest point but do not pull it out!

4. Loosen and remove the two bolts holding the motor on the top.

5. Tilt the motor downwards.

6. Disconnect the speed sensor and the display plugs from their sockets.

7. Connect the SpeedBox2 plugs into the speed sensor and display sockets

8. Connect the speed sensor and the display plugs from motor to the SpeedBox sockets.

9. Insert the SpeedBox2 into the frame tube.

10. Pivot the motor upward towards the frame.

11. Screw in the three bolts holding the motor and tighten them. Ideally, the torque wrench should be set to the torque specified on the bolt washer.

12. Put the motor's plastic cover on, and screw it back in place using the six bolts.

13. Reinstall the battery.


How to use the SpeedBox2 for YAMAHA:

1. Turn on the electric bike.

2. Activation and deactivation is performed by using the light button  which is located on the handlebars.

3. The SpeedBox2 is always deactivated,when you initially turn on your E-Bike.

4. The first time the LIGHT button is pressed, the current speed of 5.0 km/h is displayed on the control panel for about 2 seconds. This confirms that the SpeedBox2 is activated, and the supplementary assistance of your electric motor will now work up to a speed of 50 km/h.

5. When you press the LIGHT button again, the current speed of 2.5 km/h is displayed. This  confirms that the SpeedBox2 has been deactivated, and everything works as if the SpeedBox had never been installed. The supplementary assistance of your electric bike now works up to its original speed limit of 25 km/h.



1. Make sure that the use of the SpeedBox products are not against the law in the country in which you intend to use your electric bike.

2. Be aware of your surroundings when riding.

3. The manufacturer bares no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of SpeedBox1 and/or SpeedBox2 products.

4.  Always wear a helmet and other protective gear.