SpeedBox 1.0 for Brose Specialized - Variant: Cut wires, Package: BAG, Qty: 100 pcs + 16 free

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$ 18252
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Activation: activated at all times
Maximum speed: unlimited
Display shows: real values up to 18 km/h
Compatible with motors:
   Brose SPECIALIZED SL (only "Cut wires" version)
   Brose S-MAG
   Brose S
   Brose T
   Brose C
   Brose T-ALU
Not compatible with:
   motors Brose S Mag FIT
   SpeedBox App

In case of updating the software of your e-bike, uninstall SpeedBox from the e-bike first, update the software and reinstall SpeedBox.

Product code: SB1_BRO_S_100+16pcs_BAG Shipping and Payment

Basic tuning kit for your e-bike with Brose Specialized motor

This tuning kit enables you to deactivate the speed limiter of your e-bike. When in use, the actual speed of 18 km/h will appear on your display. Then the speed indicator gets stabilized and keeps on showing the same value even at higher speeds.

How does SpeedBox 1.0 for Brose Specialized work?

SpeedBox 1.0 for Brose Specialized stays active after being installed in your bike, so you don’t have to worry about turning it on and off.


Anyone can install the chip to an e-bike with some basic tools!  We have prepared detailed instructions and videos to make installation easy for you in the comfort of your home. Disassembly of our tuning chip is just as easy. If you have any troubles with the installation, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you are planning to install SpeedBox on a brand-new bike, make sure you ride it for at least 10 km before the chip is activated.

Detailed installation information can be found here.

+ Connectors


Cut wires


Please note that the operation of this type of modified electric bikes on public roads may be against the law in some countries. The manufacturer takes no responsibility for damages resulting from the use SpeedBox products. Electric bikes equipped with SpeedBox products are not allowed to be used on public roads, cycling paths and public places. Electric bikes equipped with SpeedBox products can be used exclusively on private property and entirely at one’s own risk. The use of SpeedBox may void the warranty of your ebike.

We strongly recommend using other safety features and protective gear to prevent injuries.

Bluetooth/ SpeedBox App NO
Motor Specialized SL YES